Monday, July 17, 2017

Meaningful Monday

And all of a sudden, Monday was upon the North Carolina Baptist All-State Youth Choir at Wingate University. After a night of (probably) little sleep and a day of sheer excitement (who wouldn't be excited to be reunited with all your favorite people doing you favorite thing in your favorite place in the world?!) the All-Staters ventured out onto the campus of Wingate University for their first full day of All-State 2017!

After breakfast, our morning devotion was led by Dane Jordan - the Campus Minister here at Wingate University. In the devotion he focused on how we think about our bodies and why it is important to take care of our bodies in the first place. He reminded the All-Staters that it does not matter what others think of us or our bodies and if we are working on the shape and fitness of our bodies to please others than we have truly missed the mark. This is where this year's theme fits in perfectly - our bodies are "not our own" in the first place. Everything we have been given here on this Earth is God's - including our bodies. We belong to God!

After devotion, rehearsals began in earnest for the day. It is a very daunting task to learn and memorize 12ish songs in 2 and a half days, but as Bethany said to the All-Staters as she was frank about her fears coming into this week, "I guess it's been happening every summer for quite a long time!" Although this may be reassuring, it does not happen without a significant amount of hard work. Rehearsals began with some warm-ups, at one point I think the All-Staters were drawing their name in the air with their foot?! If it helps them make beautiful vocal music, I'm all for it!

Later in the morning, the sections circled up around the room to really get close and hear each other as they started working some of the more difficult sections and pieces.

The 17 guys that are part of the 2017 edition of All-State are holding their own against their much more numerous female counterparts, so they had a well-earned break mid-morning. I will take this moment to mention - they would all love to have some more male singers! If you know ANY male high schooler who loves to sing, please make an effort to strongly nudge them in the direction of an All-State audition. Not only could this change one week of their life, but may change their ENTIRE life. I know it changed mine!

But these guys are just so dedicated you can't keep them from singing for long! 

After lunch, the All-Staters had their first taste of sectionals! The Sporano 2s got a little special attention from Bethany. I'm not sure if she sings Soprano 2, but they seemed to be having quite a fun time while getting a lot done. I'm not sure if I heard correctly, but at one point I think they were coming up with a secret Soprano 2 hand signal!

The Basses had a whole room of pianos, so who was really winning?!

The Tenors were talking about Josh Groban...

The Soprano 1s and Altos had the largest sectional and were listening attentively to Mama Anderson!

The afternoon free time was filled with auditions for solos, the talent show, and lots of resting. Most of the All-Staters went back to their rooms for some rest or to hang out with their besties. Dinner was adventurous as always. Singing the Doxology before meals in the Wingate cafeteria has been an adventure thus far, but the tradition stays alive.  

After dinner, the exhaustion was beginning to set in, but the All-Staters pushed through like true champions. Bethany kept it interesting by telling some jokes and funny stories while they pushed through

Before they left for the evening, Bethany told the All-Staters that each one of us is a part of God's story this week. She continued by saying that we are here at All-State because God has chosen each one of us to spread God's word. Phil closed out the rehearsal time by echoing many of the same words and continuing Bethany's challenge to the All-Staters to continue to give their best because everything we are doing thie week can make an eternal difference in your life or the life of someone you meet. I don't know about the All-Staters, but I left feeling inspired!

The All-Staters will close out the evening with some more time in their family groups to share their experiences from the day and how they see God at work in their lives this week. With tomorrow being another full day of rehearsal, I hope they all get lots of sleep to keep their bodies and their voices strong! Tomorrow also brings Family Group and choir pictures - a favorite "sweat time" in the summer heat! 

Stay tuned for a video from today and more updates in the coming days!

Your Faithful All -State Blogger,


Check out Monday's question of the day - I asked the All-Staters, "Who do you belong to?"