Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Tantilizing Tuesday

Sorry for the delay in the blog post from yesterday! The Wifi in the dorms on campus was out last night. One would think that would help me get some rest, but the videos and pictures never stop!

Tuesday was quite a tantalizing day. First off, the beginning of the week is always tantalizing because everyone is looking forward to being ready to tour and sing in the second half of the week. The long days of rehearsal on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday can grow weary and tiresome and make the goal of singing for a live audience seem unobtainable and far away. The task is not an easy one either - memorization of 12+ pieces of various styles and difficulties. But the purpose carries even more weight. The songs are merely the vehicle for the All-Staters to share their hearts and souls that are filled with the love of God with their audiences over the course of the week. This purpose could not be more important or live changing.

This morning or favorite Wingate campus minister gave another moving devotion. He talked to the All-Staters about things that are worth listening to. We heard a perfect demonstration on the piano of one note being played repeatedly, a bunch of random notes simultaneously, and a beautifully played song. The difference in the three was that only the latter was worth listening to. His point was if we are going to honor God, than we should be paying particular attention to the things and people we consider worth listening to.

Before rehearsals started in earnest for the second full day and the FINAL day before the All-Staters start touring, they took a quick break and posed for a few pictures!

As the All-Staters warmed up for the day, Bethany had them playing some fun group games to help make sure everyone was awake and moving. 

There was a quick break for lunch, but Phil was speed walking ahead of the group because #itsPhil

Tuesday also means picture day! To get organized before the pictures in the hot sun, the All-Staters lined up inside to find their rows. 

But because it is the last day before touring, there is no rest for All-Staters! Luckily, the rehearsals are never dull as Bethany continues to challenge the All-Staters to be their best. Some of the more funny moments are when she is brutally honest with the All-Staters and tells them they don't know a part at all. They usually agree!

The talent show was amazing as always! With inspirational dancing, moving piano playing, beautiful singing, guitar strumming, and a tutorial on special effects makeup, the talent show never disappoints!

To close the talent show, Hope performed a dance in memory of her former pastor who passed away during All-State last year. The All-State choir was able to go to her church and sing "I Will Rise" to the church and some families. Hope spoke about how much this meant to her personally and to her church family and performed an dance to the recording of last year's choir singing this song. The moment was quite meaningful for all who were present. 

Overall, the day was definitely long and tiring, but the All-Staters made tremendous strides in their musicianship, memorization, and camaraderie. The theme of, "I am not my own," is beginning to settle in with the All-Staters and you can see them beginning to take it to heart as they are interacting with each other and connecting with the music. 

Check the schedule on the homepage as the 2017 edition of the North Carolina Baptist All-State Youth Choir begins touring tomorrow - you don't want to miss it!

Your Faithful All-State Blogger, Carter